Chatbots are stripmalls.
Chatbots are Dodge RAM pickup trucks.
Chatbots are pavement.
Chatbots are plastic pool noodles.
Chatbots are ultra processed salty snacks.
Chatbots are mindfulness reminders every 10 minutes.
Chatbots are paintbrushes made by hand in Bangaladesh selling for $19 at Home Depot.
Chatbots are bottles of water shipped thousands of miles.
Chatbots are mass produced housing tracts.
Chatbots are Chad in his Silicon Valley Ferrari.
Chatbots are parking lot lines.
Chatbots are tired lions in dusty zoos.
Chatbots are formaldehyde office furniture.
Chatbots are LinkedIn invitations to connect.
Chatbots are resin deck chairs.
Chatbots are asking your doctor about a medication.
Chatbots are the latest blockbuster movie.
Chatbots are your call is very important to us.
Chatbots are the retirement village pond with a duck.
Chatbots are chatbots chatting with chatbots hoping you’ll click on an ad.
Soon I will be posting an article about how you can actually help stop climate destruction with as little as $10.
And will you please share my blog?